Saturday, December 28, 2013

That thing you do....

2013 ends with whatever effort you gave it. The calendar cares not that you wish for one more week, one last attempt. Past is always exactly where your footsteps took you. Best to enjoy all the culmination of a years work done and move forward with gratefulness and an open heart. 

2014  - the year of this dream, this goal of yours.... Is exactly where you set your gaze to. If you see frustration and hurdles - that's what you will go through. If you see hard work and dedication, so too will you see. If you see an impossible task unraveling ..... Well you get the metaphor. 

The Envisions journey has already begun, but we hope to detail a bit more of what's going on with the coming days, weeks, months. We hope to share with you our purpose, hopes and aspirations. We hope to enlighten you with training updates, intermittent race reports and feedback from various guides, crew volunteers and coaches as we travel this path. 

We also invite you to join in the conversation. Tell us what your years goals are. Share how you plan to achieve them, where you gather motivation from. Send us your progress, your training ups and downs. Tell us how having a dream can change your focus. 

As ever, if you wish to offer some support to our quest of end to end disabled running on the Bruce Trail in August 2014, please email us, or tweet us. We would love to hear from you.

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